Churchill has singlehandedly built 5 businesses, using no other
form of marketing but Digital Marketing.
He has never printed a flier or sent out a snail mail; never taken out a
newspaper ad or done a radio jingle. With no office and no staff, no salesman
and no cold calling, MacHenry Churchill
fully tapped into the power of the internet, using audience engagement, idea
sharing and social community building strategies to grow his client base and
get more business.
He uses
the power of blogging to drive traffic and business. He presently owns 40
blogs. He has created blogs for numerous clients and manages content for client
blogs. He holds a monthly training with the theme: BLOGGING MASTERCLASS WITH THE BLOGMASTER.
He has no directory of
business addresses, but collects e-mail addresses and builds e-mail lists. He uses
the power of e-mail marketing to reach target clients.
He leverages the power of
mobile marketing to reach and convert thousands of clients, thus gaining new
clients and business while penetrating new markets. He has personally collected
and built a database of over 1 million phone numbers, without using online
phone number generators or buying numbers from the many phone number vendors
Actively engaging a large
audience, MacHenry Churchill also
taps into the power of social media to create clients out of friends and
followers, and to convert likes and subscriptions to sales and profit. He owns
close to 50 Facebook and Google+ pages and belongs to over a thousand groups
that engage millions of people weekly. His close to 1,000 direct connections and over
700,000 extended business network on LinkedIn also impacts on his businesses.
He also taps into the power
of social forums to drive the spread of marketing content and engage in conversations
that help his businesses grow.
Online advertising, affiliate
programs and referral marketing programs are other ways MacHenry Churchill is monetizing his social and digital media experience.
Digital Marketing is a gift
of the information era, one that saves time and money, closes space gaps,
breaks down cultural barriers and allows free and profitable trade across
multiple platforms. Its reach is phenomenal and the resources at our disposal
are gigantic and almost inexhaustible. MacHenry
Churchill is tapping into this enormous potential to engage people, build
communities, spread ideas and help people create change for themselves from
wherever they are.